Ytg Collective Agreement

As a professional, I understand the importance of creating content that is not only informative but also optimized for search engines. In this article, we will be discussing the ytg collective agreement, an important agreement between the Yukon Teachers` Association (YTA) and the Yukon government.

What Is the YTG Collective Agreement?

The YTG collective agreement is a contract between the Yukon government and the YTA that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for Yukon teachers. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of both parties, including salaries, benefits, working conditions, and job security.

The current agreement, which covers the period from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2023, was negotiated by the YTA and the Yukon government in 2019. The agreement is binding on all Yukon teachers who are members of the YTA, and it provides a framework for the relationship between teachers and the government.

What Does the YTG Collective Agreement Cover?

The YTG collective agreement covers a wide range of topics related to teaching in Yukon. Some of the key areas covered by the agreement include:

1. Salary and Benefits: The agreement sets out the minimum salaries for teachers in Yukon, as well as a range of benefits, including health and dental coverage, disability insurance, and pension plans.

2. Working Conditions: The agreement sets out guidelines for working hours, workload, and class sizes, as well as provisions for professional development and teacher evaluation.

3. Job Security: The agreement provides job security for teachers by outlining the process for layoff and termination, as well as provisions for grievance procedures and arbitration.

4. Leave: The agreement provides for a range of leaves, including sick leave, bereavement leave, and parental leave, as well as provisions for vacation time and personal days.

5. Other Benefits: The agreement also covers a range of other benefits, such as housing allowances, travel allowances, and reimbursements for professional development expenses.

Why Is the YTG Collective Agreement Important?

The YTG collective agreement is an important document for Yukon teachers, as it provides a framework for their employment. It sets out the terms and conditions of their employment and ensures that they are treated fairly and equitably.

The agreement also provides job security for teachers and ensures that they are protected from arbitrary layoffs or terminations. It provides a mechanism for resolving disputes and ensures that teachers have access to grievance procedures and arbitration.

In addition, the agreement helps to maintain a high level of professionalism among Yukon teachers by setting out guidelines for working conditions, workload, and professional development.


The YTG collective agreement is an important document for Yukon teachers and the Yukon government. It provides a framework for their employment and ensures that they are treated fairly and equitably. The agreement helps to maintain a high level of professionalism among Yukon teachers and provides job security for them. Overall, the YTG collective agreement is an essential component of the Yukon educational system.

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